Sukhoon Pyo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Civil, Urban, Earth, and Environmental Engineering
UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, May 2014
- Academic Advisor: Prof. Sherif El-Tawil
M.S.E., Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, December 2013
M.S.E., Civil Engineering, University of Michigan, April 2011
M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea, February 2008
- Academic Advisor: Prof. Haeng-Ki Lee
B.S., Civil Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, February 2006
Associate Professor, UNIST, Mar. 2023 to present
Assistant Professor, UNIST, Jan. 2019 to Feb. 2023
Senior Researcher, Korea Railroad Research Institute, July 2014 to Dec. 2018
Graduate Student Research Assistant, University of Michigan, Sep. 2009 to Apr. 2014
Researcher, KAIST, Sep. 2008 to Aug. 2009
Graduate Research Assistant, KAIST, Mar. 2006 to Dec. 2007
Military Service, Republic of Korea Army, Jan. 2001 to Mar. 2003
Services and Activities
과학기술정보통신부 건설·교통 분야 기술수준평가 전문가(2018.7.~2023.6.)
국토교통부 건설사고조사위원단 위원(2021.1.~2025.1.)
국토교통부 중앙건설기술심의위원(2022.3.~2024.2.)
국가철도공단 기술자문위원회 위원(2018.6.~2024.5.)
대한토목학회 토목의 날 준비위원회 위원(2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)
대한토목학회 학회지 편집위원(2018, 2021~2023)
대한토목학회 국문논문집 편집위원(2021~2024)
한국철도학회 이사, 국문/영문 논문집 편집인(2019~2024)
한국철도학회 학회지(철도저널) 편집위원(2018)
한국콘크리트학회 국문논문집 편집위원(2019~2024)
한국콘크리트학회 영문논문집 편집위원(2021~2024)
한국콘크리트학회 품질관리제도위원회 위원(2021~2024)
한국콘크리트학회 학술위원회 위원(2021~2024)
한국콘크리트학회 학회발전위원회 위원(2021~2022)
한국콘크리트학회 학회지 편집위원(2017~2018, 2023~2024)
한국콘크리트학회 콘크리트문화위원회 위원(2023~2024)
한국전산구조공학회 이사(2022.4.~2024.4.)
한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 이사(2023~2024)
한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 국문논문집편집위원회 위원(2017~2024)
한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 영문논문집편집위원회 위원(2023~2024)
한국건설순환자원학회 이사(2023~2024)
한국건설순환자원학회 폐플라스틱건설재료위원회 위원장(2023~2024)
한국터널지하공간학회 논문집 편집위원(2022.5.~ 2023.5.)
울산광역시 지방건설기술심의위원회 위원(2021.8.~2023.8.)
부산교통공사 기술자문위원회 위원(2020.8.~2022. 7.)
서울교통공사 궤도분야 기술자문위원(2021.12.~2023. 12.)
Honors and Awards
한국시멘트협회, 표창장(콘크리트의 날), 2024. 6. 24.
한국콘크리트학회, 특별상(국제활동상), 2023. 11. 02.
한국구조물진단유지관리공학회, 표창장, 2023. 10. 12.
2022년 철도10대 기술, 한국철도학회, 2022. 10. 20.
- Title: 폐플라스틱을 재활용한 폴리머계열 합성침목 (대원대학교/ ㈜지주/ 울산과학기술원)
대한토목학회, 표창장, 2021. 12. 31.
한국콘크리트학회, 특별상(국제활동상), 2021. 11. 04.
한국철도기술연구원, 표창장(우수논문상), 2018. 03. 02., 2017. 03. 02.
JEC Asia 2017 Innovation Awards (Category: Railway), 2017. 11. 02.
- Title: Railway sleepers using ultra-high-performance cementitious composites
한국철도학회, 신진과학자상, 2017. 10. 19.
한국철도학회, 우수논문발표상, 2017년 춘계학술대회, 2018년 춘계학술대회, 2020년 춘계학술대회, 2020년 추계학술대회
국가과학기술연구회, 이사장표창장(우수신진연구자 연구창조 부문), 2017. 04. 13.
한국철도기술연구원, 이달의 KRRI인상(우수연구상), 2016. 12. 05.
Associate Editor, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, (2021. 4. ~ present) [I.F.: 1.9]
Associate Editor, Heliyon, (2023. 6. ~ present) [I.F.: 3.4]
Editorial Board Member, Materials (2020. 10. ~ present) [I.F.: 3.1]
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, (2021. 1. ~ present) [I.F.: 3.6]
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, (2023. 1. ~ present) [I.F.: 3.0]
Guest Editor of the Special Issue "High Performance Concrete" in Materials
Guest Editor of the Special Issue "High Performance Concrete (Volume II)" in Materials
Guest Editor of the Special Issue "State-of-the-Art Materials Science and Engineering in Korea 2022" in Materials
co-Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Advanced Design for Manufacturing Processes" in Materials
co-Guest Editor of the Special Issue “High Performance Cement and Concrete Composites" in Materials
Reviewership (Web of Science reports)
(Journals) Cement and Concrete Composites; Cement and Concrete Research; Construction and Building Materials; Resources, Conservation & Recycling; Composite Structures; International Journal of Impact Engineering; International Journal of Plasticity; Materials and Design; Applied Acoustics; International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials; Materials; Applied Sciences; Buildings; Sustainability; KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering; European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering; Polymers; Case Studies in Construction Materials; Energies; Sensors; Journal of Vibration and Control; Engineering Structures; Fibers; Advances in Concrete Construction; Journal of Hazardous Materials; Journal of Building Engineering; Composites Part B: Engineering; Waste and Biomass Valorization; Crystals; 콘크리트학회 논문집; 한국철도학회 국문논문집; 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집 (Conference proceedings) First International Interactive Symposium on UHPC, Des Moines, Iowa, US (2016)